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Date: 1998-12-25

"Netscape kaputt" - Larry orakelt wieder

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q/depesche 98.12.25/1
updating 98.12.17/1
"Netscape kaputt" - Larry orakelt wieder

Wie immer, wenn ein jahreszeitlich bedingter Mangel an
Nachrichten gegeben ist, orakelt Larry Ellison besonders laut
& dezidert. Der AOL-Merger sei zwar nicht ganz so schlimm
wie Apples Selbstmord, doch er bedeute nichts weniger als
das Ende des kreativen Softwarehauses Netscape. Im
übrigen war Larry der Meinung, Microsoft sei einer
Zerschlagung zuzuführen.

post/scrypt: der quintessenzielle Depeschendienst hofft,
dass das p.t Publikum die mit der Wintersonnenwende
einhergehenden Fährnisse unversehrt überstanden haben

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I am going to surprise you with my answer," said Ellison.
"The most innovative company in the computer industry in
the last 10 years is dead.

"The merger with AOL means Netscape is gone. AOL is in a
different business. It is not a software company, but a media
and a service company

"AOL is not interested in Netscape's technology. It is only
interested in Netcenter," Netscape's popular Web portal.

"I am very disappointed that a company with such personality
has been lost to the industry. It is not quite as bad as Apple
committing suicide by firing Steve Jobs, but it does indicate a
serious problem."

Ellison also addressed the issue of Java, a programming
language whose promise of "write once, run anywhere" has
been seen as a possible threat to Microsoft's operating
system dominance.<p>
"My company will work with Sun to ensure that Java as an
Internet standard is kept pure and available to us all, as
opposed to MS Java that works only on Windows," Ellison

Ellison, who is in Sydney to sail in the Sydney Harbour yacht
race, had spoken about the new version of his company's
database software, Oracle 8i, which incorporates Internet
protocols and is programmable via Java.

He told the audience of 200 computer industry executives
that the demise of Netscape meant that everyone must unite
against the common threat of Microsoft.,4586,2179180,00.html

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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-12-25
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